Instructions: related to the storage of ammunition.

Hohlladung Granaten, hollow-charges
Landfront St. Nazaire, F

photo: CMAW

text close to the rifle rack, as an exeption these rifles were loaded given the position of the bunker in the strongpoint 

Inside  a bunker, St PABU (2) near Brest, Brittany, F

photo: S

 Sprenggranaten, explosive shells

Inside  a gun bunker R 680 in Kerdayo, Brittany, F

photo: OF

Backbord - Kammer
Left ammunition room

Inside the turretshaft of MKB 11./504, Fjell, N

photo: EE

Inside a bunker somewhere in The Netherlands

photo's: hbp

v/15 cM L.G. LADING
70 Hulsen gefühlt 15 cm Ladung Gross (?) Lading?
filled 70 15cm Shells ... in incorrect German?
L. Gr. v/15 cM
1 ZZ 60 sec
150 Ladung Gross (?) 15 cm, Zeitzünder 60 sec
150 15 cm Shells, time delay 60 sec
v/15 cM GEF. LAD.
200 Hulsen gefühlt 15 cm Gefechts Ladung (?)
200 15cm Shells fighting ammo?
Munibestand am: ......

list of all sorts of ammunition in stock on a certain date  for a 12,8 cm Flak 40 (M)

12,8 cm Spr.Gr.m.Zt.Z. ......
12,8 cm Spr.Gr.m.E.K.Z. ......
12,8 cm Panz.Spr.Gr. ......
l.M.G. Muni. (franz.) ......
Gewehrmuni (russisch?) ......
Gewehrmuni (holl?) ......
Handgranaten (deutsch) ......
Handgranaten (franz.schw) ......
Handgranaten (franz.leicht) .....
Rohrbelastung ......

Inside a bunker, Stp. Nz 364 near St. Nazaire, F

photo: JFL

Inside an emplacement for a field gun R 669, Bt. Adolf Tu 43, La Baule, Les Carpadoux, F

photo's: HA

top: Shells

second line: canon or calibre

third: the amount

The 275 Inf. Div. was send to Normandy in July 1944. The 265 Inf. Div. took over KVA C1 and C2 in a new KVA C. Ost. Art. Abt. 752 took over the batteries 'Adolf', 'Bertha' and 'Dora'. This unit was part of the 'Osttruppen'. This could explain the Slavic characters, 18/40 is the designation for the gun.

Inside an open FLAK emplacement FL 243/L 401, Marine Flakbatterie Erfprinz, V.B. Den Helder, NL, 04-2005

middle photo : PD

...- Sprenggranaten

Flak - Granaten

... einstellung 4, ...

Shell hoist 2 in the magazine passage. The numbers on the wall correspond with numbers in the ammunition rooms, below, indicating a certain type of grenade Aufzug nr. III: Hoist nr. 3. Runten - Hoch: up - down

Inside Bettung 1, 2 and 3 of Bt. Annes, Alderney, C.I., GB, 2004

photo's: AvB

2.L 5.L 6.L 7.L


Inside an ammunition storage, Trouville, F

photo: BD

Inside an open gun emplacement, Batt. Crisbecq, Normany, F, 06-2004

ammunition close at hand
instructionsammutextshusoen.jpg (42382 bytes)
28 cm Spgr. L/4,4 m. Hb. =195
28 cm Spgr. L/3,6 =45
28 cm Pzgr. =260
28 cm Hüls Kart. =353
28 cm Vor. Kart. =353
4 cm Br.Spgr.Patr. =2864



 ammunition list in chalk...great!

Inside a fire control post S 448, M.K.B. 1/507, Husöen, Norway

photo: EE

s. SiL ?

any idea?


Pistole 08


Inside an ammo bunker L 413 and a AA bunker L 409 a, Büffelstellung, St.Pt.Gr. Blåvand near Esbjerg, DK, 08-2003

photo's: AvB

In the munitions storage in one of the gunemplacements of the channel-gun 'Batterie Friedrich August' 3*30.5 cm., Pas de Calais, F, 05-2003

photo's: BK

Munitionsraum 4 5/Panzer-Sprenggranaten/Sprenggranaten mit Haube/Sprenggranaten ... but what is:

Vork.f.P.u.Sprenggr Vorratskammer ? für Panzer und Sprenggr.
Hptk.f. P.u.Sprenggr. Hauptkammer ? für Panzer und Sprenggranaten
Vork.f.Hbngn.m.Ku.S. Vorratskammer für Hauben ? mit ...?
Vork.f.Stfüh. Vorratskammer für Stahl ? führer ?
Vork.f.Hbg.m.k.Stfüh. Vorratskammer für Hauben? mit kleiner Stahl ? führer ?
Inside an other gunemplacement of the same battery,  07-1998
Spreng granaten mit Haube


Panzer- Sprenggranaten

Spreng granaten

A.Z.   Na.F.
P.Z. Stu.F.
 Aufschlag Zunder, Panzer Zunder(?), Na: Nacht feuer? StuF: Stuka feuer?
Inside a bunker belonging to a 105 mm FLAK battery somewhere in Brittany, F

photo's: DP




Inside a mortar bunker  'R 633 Stand für M 19', Wn Dietl, Oostende, B

photo's: BK

demolition-charge and munition niche inside the copula PzTeil 428 P01

Kartusch: VI

charge VI

Inside the souterrain, Butte de Houlgate, Normandy, F, 2001

photo: DP

Inside a VF bunker somewhere in Brittany, F, 2003

photo: DP


... ring 3003
Aufsatz 300
Libelle 270 (?)



300 2-cm Sprgr. Patr.

10000 Schuss s.S. Mun.

Inside a groupbunker 'R 502 Doppelgruppenunterstand' serving as a CP,  Stp. Blei, Meulhouck, Pas de Calais, F, 2003
Inside an ammunitionbunker, H.K.B. Bokn, N

photo: EE

" m. gest. OZ 15

AZ = Aufschlag zünder DZ = Doppel zünder

" HH6   96

A.Z.   60

D.Z.   60


In the 'Seyss-Inquart bunker' Stp.Gr. Scheveningen', Den Haag, NL, 06-2000

right photo: BBFM & M

Muni.(tion) painted in light-reflecting paint and a nice mark on the wall towards the FLAK position on the roof

o.H./o.H./m.H./m.H.101 kg 2 kg 100 kg 101 kg

ohne/mit Haube (?)

Munitions storage for railroad guns 3*22 cm, Batterie Pnt. du Grand Gouin near Brest, F, 08-1988
Inside a 'Bettung' for a 220 mm gun somewhere in Brittany, F, 2003

photo: DP

Platz f. Kartuschbehälter - Öffner

storage for cartridges


E.K.Z. Vo. 9000




1,0 S.



Inside the ammunition storage of an open FLAK emplacement FlakBt. N322/363, Trembly near St. Nazaire, F

photo: LvdW

Inside the ammunition storage of an open Flak emplacement for 10,5 SK c/33, Nz 322 near St. Nazaire, F, 05-2005

photo's: JFL



E.K.Z. = Empfindlicher Kopf Zünder

Vorsicht !



Take care, handgrenades!

On a part of a demolished bunker in Hoek van Holland, Festung Hoek van Holland, NL

photo: JL

Inside a concrete shelter with a curved metal roof, Saint-Samson near Morlaix, Brittany, F, 06-2001

photo: PLL

1 2 3 4 5 6

numbers painted just above a rifle rack for Mausers KAR 98 K


Sprgr. Pak UR   Pzgr Pe  ...  Sprgr ...A...   ?


Eprgr Pak 5/30

9 ru 155

Inside open FLAK bunkers 'R L 402 geschützstand für 2cm FLAK',  L'Orillois, Dinard, Brittany, F, 05-2001.

photo's: PLL

Inside a ammunitionbunker R 134, Batt. Fécamp, F, 04-2002

photo's: AvB

M - 2

Munition 2?



 Sprengladung (explosives) written near the receiver/transmitter niche. Nebel (smoke-grenades) near an other niche.

I u. II Gesch.

left: First and second gun-bunker, below types and numbers of ammunition left

Entrance to tunnels in the 'magma bunker' from the camouflage-concrete page. The pictures below are from surrounding ammo bunkers

photo's: EE

39 Pz.Gr. Spr.Gr.AZ Pz.Gr.38
Pz. Gr. = Panzergranaten
Spr.Gr. = Sprenggranaten
AZ = Aufschlagzünder
 132 Zt. 165 Zz 33 Pz.
 Zt. Z.
Zt.Z. = Zeitzűnder
Zt.Z.S/30 means 30 sec. time delay
 Pz. = Panzer

Gr. Ldg. 17500   

Mittl. " 15200

Grosse Ladung (Large shells) 17,5 km, Mittlere Ladung (normal shells) 15,2 km.

Inside a gunbunker 'R 671 Schartenstand fűr Geschűtze auf Mittlere Sockellafette, Batt. Equeville, F, 04-2002

photo: AvB

Inside a bunker on the AW somewhere in Normandy, F

photo: BD

G.L. 20
M.L. 70

same texts as above


Grosse Ladung

Mittlere Ladung

Entrance to an ammunitionbunker 'R 134 Munitionsunterstand I', Fanø, DK       

photo's: MS