Numbering: identification by means of a red cross used for hospital bunkers.


On the outside of a small dressing station, Batt. Kora-Karola, Ro 425, Ile de Ré, F

photo: JFL

Inside one of the gun emplacements, Batt. Mirus, Guernsey, GB, CI, 06-2004

photo: RdB

small and nice ... numberinggeneralredcrossblannes.jpg (17601 bytes)

In the entrance of a small shelter, Ca 016, Brutelles, F, 1997

photo: SD

Inside Bettung 4 of Bt. Annes, Alderney, C.I., GB, 2004

photo: AvB

the place for the firstaid box on the wall
Yes, I know, the pictute is not a very sharp one!
+ zum 

Inside a tunnel bunker, HKB 16/974 Grönsviken, Art.Gr. Sandnessjöen, N

photo: TET

Inside a AA fire control post, Fl 244 Schwere FLAK-Leitstand, Wn Lo 302 Cosqueric near Lorient, F

photo: JFL

a red cross,  rather faded...

Entrance to a hospital bunker 'R 118 a Sanitätsunterstand' 'Stp.Gr.' Schouwen, Slotbos, Haamstede, NL, 01-2001

On a hospital bunker 'R 118 b Sanitätsunterstand', Lorient, F, 2003

photo: DP

almost gone...
 a well preserved red cross

Above the entrance to a medical bunker, batt. Brommy near Cherbourg, Normandy, F

photo: RD

and even better!

Next to the entrance of a 'R 134 H (Munitionsunterstand I)' in use as a small medical bunker, Emeloot Hofsteede, Leffrinckoucke, Pas de Calais, F, 1994

photo: DP

and again!

Above the entrance to a medical bunker, St.Pt. Gi 331 V.B. Gironde Süd, Fort de Verdon, F

photo: JFL

Inside one of the bunkers belonging to the Bt. Mirus, Guernsey, C.I., GB

photo: RdB



medical unit

Hospital bunker 'R 118 c Sanitätsunterstand''Festung Hoek van Holland', Staelduinsebos, NL, 01-2001
 entrance for 'gas-sick' only,  entrance. The red cross was in the white circle to the left
Eingang nur



Adcock was a guiding system for German airplanes by means of transmitting a signal

Entrance to a 'L 481 Unterstand für Adcock'     radarcomplex 'Biber' Stp. XXIII HL Oostvoorne, NL, 03-2001



Entrance to a 'L 480 Unterstand für WassermannS', somewhere on the Atlantikwall