Numbering: The sector in central France.

A.O.K. 7: Armee Ober Kommando 7 Army:
Sector south of the mouth of the river Seine, north of the river Loire, H.Q. was situated in Le Mans.
Section A1: 77'th Infantry Division, HQ in Dinan.
sub sections: Ra = Rance, the river Rance splits St. Malo in two.
La = Lamballe

Bu. N°2.

Inside a L 410 , Pleurtuit near St. Malo, Brittany, F, 05-2001

photo: PLL

In the entrance of R 105 St. Briac near St.Malo, Brittany, F, 05-2001

photo: PLL


Bw 496

Rance, Bauwerk 496


      Bw 465

Rance, Bauwerk 465

In the entrance of a anti-tank gunbunker, 'R 504 PAK Unterstellraum mit Gruppe', Saint-Briac near St.Malo, Brittany, F

photo: PLL

Section B: 343 'rd Infantry Division, HQ in Landerneau.
sub section: Av = Aber Wrach

A 32 / 4

Aber Wrach Stp 32 bunkernumber 4

Inside several bunkers in the Av region, F

photo: JFL

Inside several bunkers in the Av region, F

photo's: JFL

A 35 / 24

Inside a 'R 105 MG-Kasematte', Aber Vrac'h, Brittany, F, 09-2001

photo: PLL

A 36 / 9

Inside several bunkers in the Av region, F

photo: JFL

A 43/3
A 43/5

Aber Wrach Stp 43 bunkernumber 3/5

Inside several bunkers Keravel, Brittany, F

photo's: JFL

A 43 / 5

A 43 / 18

Inside several bunkers in the Av region, F

photo's: JFL

A 45 / 1

A 45 / 3

Mark the pencil lines, great they are still there!

Inside several bunkers in the Av region, F

photo's: JFL

Section C1: 265 'th Infantry Division, HQ in Quimperle.
sub section: Lo = Lorient
a special numbering!

Inside a machine- gunbunker R-630, Dönitz's H.Q., Kernevel, Lorient, F, 07-2004

Section C2: 275 'th Infantry Division, HQ in Redon.
sub sections: Tu = La Turballe
Mi = St. Michel

TU 1/3

Inside a bunker, Pointe du Halguen, Brittany, F

photo: OF

nice number and St sign!

Tu 17/81

Inside a R 625 of Tu 17, Trescalan, La Baule near St Nazaire, F, 2005

photo: HA

Inside the emergency exit (!) of a groupbunker R 501, Tu 506, F

photo: JFL


Tu 47/346

Tu 48/345

Inside small groupbunkers R 668, Tu 47/48, F

photo's: JFL

Mi 11 / 1171

Inside an emplacement for assault guns R 612, Mi 11, F

photo: JFL