Slogans: overview of unofficial texts and drawings of the era.

Jetzt steht er still und ruft: "Aha!" Denn schon ist eine Gedanken da.
Begeistert blickt er in die höh: "Willkommen herrliche Idee!"
The drawings were made in the '30 by an unknown artist and are inspired  by the German poet and painter Wilhelm Busch known for his Max and Moritz stories for children. The would be poet is probably inspired by his work 'Balduin Bählamm'.
Inside the Lufthansa air-raid shelter beneath Tempelhof airport, Berlin, D
photo's: ML and HF
Right picture: Pater Filucius abounds with this, especially as it is to a large extent an allegory of religious conflicts of the era. Thus Gottlieb Michael is Germany (Der deutsche Michel - the German Michael is the German counterpart to John Bull or Uncle Sam, named after the Archangel Michael, patron saint of Germany), his aunts Petrine and Pauline (named after St. Peter and St. Paul) represent the Catholic and Protestant churches, and his lady love, Angelica, refers to the Anglican church (Bush recommding to end the interdenominational strife by establishing something like the Church of England in Germany.
Some photos of a set of drawings that were taken from the original drawings. These copies of the originals are held at a local archive and were done many years ago as the originals are starting to deteriorate, Guernsey, C.I., GB
photo's: SP
Inside the St. Peters Rifle Club Building used as a Soldatenkino, Guernsey, C.I., GB
photo's: SP
Später Frühling!
Wollen Sie noch einmal alter ver'alt'ter Trottel zu mir sagen?
Erst locken Sie mich in den Wald rein, und dann
lesen Sie mir Gedichte vor!
"Wovor kann der Landser denn schon träumen?"
Late autumn!
Please call me an old fool again!
First you lure me into the woods
and then you start reading me poetry!
What can the soldier dream about? Going home! A sign shows the way to the harbour.

Erster Alleinflug

First flight on your own!

On a wooden board from a now demolished granary belonging to a house on a former German airfield somewhere in France

photo: nomen nescio

Drückt mit Not und ...

denn dies ist wichtig für die Landwirtschaft

The soldiers defecate: Push hard... it's important for the agriculture.

Die Ruhe sei dem Flieger heilig

Nur __ die habens eilig!

The litte dog woke up the pilot? Rest is sacred for the pilot!
Winston Churchill (WC) with his cigar and hat with British colours is being hit by a (German) first...

Inside a bunker Stp. 188 Schlesien,  Ledquent, Pas de Calais, F

photo's: RdG, right one N

Das leben geliebt
die Sünde geküßt
dem Tod die Hand gegeben
dann das Herz einem Mädel geschenkt
das nennt man:
loving lfe, sinned, shook hands with death, loved a girl, that's the life of a paratrooper.

Inside a bunker somewhere on the Atlantikwall in The Netherlands

photo's: HBP

Wäre unser


von dieser


der An-

drang wäre


if only our parachute was designed like this skirt... our will spirit wpuld be enormous

Gemsen muß mann pflegen

dan können Sie auch
Eier legen
You have to take care of your mountain goats so they will produce eggs
(?) old German saying?

Inside a bunker somewhere on the Atlantikwall

photo: BK

heut' mach ich keine Sorgen

der 'Katze' kommt erst
Zur guten Quelle
don't worry today, the hangover will come tomorrow!

Inside a Kriegsmarine complex around Bremen, should you have more info about the exact location please let me know or contact directly the Werkgroep Kriegsmarine.

photo's: ML

Wo man trinkt die Halben

"Junge, Junge wird
in zwei Zügen aus   das ein schönes
da ist meine Heimat,   Schiff!"
da bin ich zu Haus!!   Boy, that is going to be a great ship... mark the pig!
where they empty the glas in two pulls, that is my home-country!!  

Wahre Geschichten

Telling true stories ...
and two more nice cartoons to the right!

hört ihr gäste lasst euch sagen

wann die uhr hat elf geschlagen
lasst das poltern lasst das schrein
denn im hotel muss ruhe sein
be quiet after 11 o'çlock!

Inside an airraidbunker Nürnberg, D

photo: R

Inside a bunker, Stp. Pechnelke, Le Portel near Cherbourg, F, 08-2005

Will Dich diese arge Zeit Nur mit Stille und Humor
ganz beim Schöpfe kriegen... kannst Du sie besiegen!
these horrible times  by means of staying
can only be overcome  calme and having humor!
The confrontation of a soldier with the devil mounted on a serpent, der Arge = the devil
Heiter sein und unbeschwert Macht das Leben doppelt wert
trotz der harten stunden und das Herz gesunder!
being cheerful and carefree makes life worth twice as much
in spite of these difficult hours and the heart more healthy!
two soldiers playing cards and drinking ...
Steigst Du aus dem Bette raus,
 gruß' mit frohem Sinn ...
when you get up in the morning
say hello with a smile
what was written to the right?

Zur Stillen


a woman ...

Inside a Vf bunker, Radio Scheveningen, Stp.Gr. Scheveningen, Den Haag, NL

photo: HBP

left: At arms drill, the NCO on duty does not seem to be satisfied.
below left: Agitation of the gunners at the moment of calculating the firing.
below middle: Referring to the shortage of food on Guernsey.
below right: In the morning when the rooster crow, many groan, it would be so nice to stay in bed. See the small rooster.

Inside a personnel shelter somewhere on Guernsey, C.I., GB

photo's: PB

Auf höhe warn es gestern 2,+heute 1 das ist doch?- (2+1)=3
Wie? 1 auf höh, die Seite 2! O Gott! mir springt der Kopf entzwei!
Also sprach Gott:
Der Bauer horte
der Erde Gut, nach meinem Worte       'Der Mensch lebt nicht von Brot allein'
Der Bauer sprach: 'Recht soll's mir sein'. (man braucht doch mal 'nen Urlaubsschein.)

Am Morgen wenn die Hähne kräh'n

Stönt mancher: 's wär im Bett so schön.

middle: In life there are moments when you can do what you want. But you are on guard, think only of your duty. Thinking of other things is not appreciated by a military tribunal.
right: The yoke of the free man, his son at his side. For his inheritance, despair, in the wake of dishonour! 

Hast Du nern Pforz (Furz) mal auf der Pfanne

Servier ihn draussen auf der Stange (Donnerbalken? Latrine)

If you got a fart in stock, serve it outside at the latrine

Es gibt im Leben manchesmal


da man dies das jenes machen könnte

Doch Stehst Du auf Wache

Allda denk nur an deine Pflicht!

Momente sind da meistens 'Sache',

Die unbeliebt beim Militärgericht.

Im Jacht ging der freie Mann, den...


drawing in the same style as the one above, again made by  a real artist! Medieval campsite where soldiers are passing the time playing a game of dice on what looks like a drum.

Inside a bunker in Brest, Brittany, F

photo: B

 Also some populair songs or movies left their trace ...

in der Heimat,

in der Heimat,
In der Heimat ist es schön - da gibt's ein Wiedersehn - da gibt's kein Stillestehn.
Part of the famous song 'Ich hatt' einen Kameraden'.

click here for a link

Inside some bunkers, Stp. Heliotrop, St. Etienne-aux-Mont near Boulogne, F

photo's: BK

Wovon  kann der Landser denn schon träumen!

What can the soldier dream of?
Wovon kann der Landser denn schon träumen
Er träumt von seinem Mägdelein
Das er küßte unter beiden Bäumen,
Beim ganz verliebten Stelldichein.

click here for a link

Inside a bunker somewhere in Brest, F

photo: AD

Soldatensender Belgrad started after the Germans occupied Belgrad (easter 1941) and could be heard on all fronts. The song 'Lili Marleen' by Lale Anderson became the official song of the station and was played every night before the station closed down, click here for a link

Wn Goldlack, Herquelingue, Festung Boulogne, Pas de Calais, F, 04-2005
Atlantik - Wall
Der Tomy hielt einst -wie fatal- Doch nunmehr beim Atlantik- Wall
den Westwall für 'nen Wäschepfahl vermeidet er solch' Phrasenschwall,
und spürte ein enormes Drängen dieweil er weiss, statt Wäsche
... Wäsche aufzuhängen erwartet ihn dort Dresche!
the Tommy holds again but with the Atlantic Wall
the Siegfried Line for a clothes-line he avoids such phrases
and felt the need because he knows, in stead of laundry
to hang his laundry there he gets a good beating!

Batterie le Begot, Plouharnel, Brittany, F

photo's: RH

Washing on the Siegfried Line

Mark the drawing of the gun pointed towards England. The text goes back to the fall of 1939 when the song was populair in England during the phony war.

click here for a link

Das kann doch ein Schwager nicht erschüttern...

the text is a variation of an other popular song from the film 'Paradies der Junggesellen'.
Das kann doch einen Seemann nicht erschüttern,
Keine Angst, keine Angst, Rosmarie!
Wir lassen uns das Leben nicht verbittern,
Keine Angst, keine Angst, Rosmarie!
click here for a link
The little sailor boy is sitting on the barrel of a gun!

Inside the kitchen of Wn Südhafen, Alderney, C.I.,GB, 07-2004

photo: AvB

Paradies der Junggesellen was a popular film from 1939 dealing with the problems of 3 U-boot crew members in every day life.
click here for a link

Inside a Vf-shelter, Noordwijk, Stp.Gr. Katwijk, NL, 12-2003

photo's: HBP


kriegsweihnacht 1944

5.14.Schiffs-Stamm- Abteilung

war x-mas 1944


same time, other place...

Inside  an ammunition bunker Fl 246 Talhouët or Kernours at Kervignac, Brittany, F

photo: OF

Heimat deine Sterne...

 refrain of a popular song in those days written in 1941 for the motion picture 'Quax der Bruchpilot'.

Heimat deine Sterne
Sie strahlen mir auch am fernen Ort
Was sie sagen, deute ich ja so gerne
als der Liebe zärtliches Losungswort...
click here for a link
A cartoon of a soldier bumping into a lamp-post!, situation May 2008 to the right
 Inside a groupbunker, Brittany, F
 photo: DP, author
Stern von Rio was also a film made 1939. The 'Stern von Rio' is a diamond which was given to the girl friend (who is a dancer) of the main character of the film, the diamond gets stolen and the story unrolls...  and the film contains an other story: it's basically a film built around La Jana. She was born as Henriette Margarethe Hiebel in Vienna, began her career at a child ballet for the Frankfurter Opera, and had later entrances in cabarets and revues where she continued appearing successfully as a dancer. She was a great hit in films, and it's really a pity that Stern von Rio is her last picture. During a Christmas tour in 1939 she caught pneumonia and pleurisy which led to her death at the age of 35. The premiere of the film took place exactly one week after her death, so naturally it was a huge hit in its morbid way.
click here for a link

Great drawing inside a Vf bunker on a former German airfield somewhere on the AW in the Netherlands, 03-2003

photo: FvW