Slogans: overview of official texts and drawings of the era.

Flak Sieger
und immer
German AA and pilots always win! Together with the German Luftwaffe eagle and swastika.
Inside the museum at Colleville, Normandy, F, 06-2013. Origin unknown.
The German soldier and farmer united for the Fatherland! Sword and plough.
Inside a 'Jägerstand St.Pt. Rotenstein', Vazon Bay, Guernsey, C.I., GB
photo's: SP
halt wacht Kamerad be on guard comrade
erfült deine Plicht do your duty
bleib treu Kamerad be faithfull comrade
und zweifle nicht do not hesitate
Sei tapfer Kamerad be brave comrade
und kämpfe mit fight with us
... Sieg Kamerad  for victory comrade
... ...

Inside a R-631 La Rochelle, F

photo: CMAW

-- SIEGEN --
The Reich and Europe will win

Inside a bunker somewhere on the isle of Texel, Nl

photo: FS

... this saying was "Kiss my arse". GvB was a famous German knight (1480-1560). In the siege of Landshut (1505) he lost his right hand (that explanes the symbol of the 17th SS-Div.) The legend goes that he told the bishop of Bamberg: 'Hinten Zu! Hintenzu, da magst du mich hinten lecken!'. It inspired Goethe to write the GvB play, 1773.

laß ihn (?) durch einen Wahlspruch (?)  

nicht aus der Ruhe bringen

 denk immer an der Wahlspruch

 des Götz von Berlichingen
the saying was: Wir lassen uns durch einen Anschiss nicht aus der Ruhe bringen denken immer nur an den Wahlspruch des Götz von Berlichingen
What was the logo above the text?

Inside a Vf bunker, Wn 78, Festung IJmuiden, NL

photo: RP

 muss leben!
 und wenn wir
 sterben müssen
In 1914 the workers poet Heinrich Lersch described the feelings of those days in his poem 'Soldatenabschied' (The soldiers farewell). Every strophe closed with the refrain: 'Germany must live, even if we must to die'.

Somewhere on the AW in the Netherlands

photo: HBP

 ist das
The German sword is sharp

Inside a bunker, Mont de Sombre, Pas de Calais F, 07-2005

photo: LJdV

sloganssloganstedrstay1.jpg (40119 bytes) This bunker was manned by Italian soldiers.The text: COST01a, a unit belonging to one of the two divisions Alpini COSTieri, 223 and 224 who were on the French coast in 1943.

Inside a MG-bunker, H.K.B. St. Aygulf near Frejus, F, 04-2004

BunkerArt heaven ... great!
Slogans and the names of the soldiers that once occupied this bunker!
Somewhere on the AW in Holland, 03-2004/03-2005

photo's: MK and author

Es kann nicht jeder Feldherr sein,

not everyone can be a warlord

doch jeder sei Soldat. but everyone is a soldier.
Ein jeder Mann in unsern Reih'n everyone of us
sei General der Tat. is a man of action
Immer vorwärts, spät und früh, always going on, day or night
unversagt im Stürmen firm in all storms
Anspruchslose Infanterie, modest infantry
möge Gott dich schirmen. may the Lord be with you
variation of the last lines of the infantry song, Lied der Infanterie
Objg Pullem

Wir springen für Deutschland

" Klett
Obgeb   Jäger
" Drost
" Blömker
" Heckert
Ihr Kinder ... Heimat ... Pullem

Your kids ... home sweet home

thus Objg Pullem was the artist!

compare the 2004 to the 2005 situation, the drawing is sadly deteriorating quickly! 
Durch kampf zum Zieg!
Treue ist das Mark des Ehre
Victory trough battle!
The true measure of honor is loyalty

Inside Fort Montbarrey, Brest, Brittany, F, 10-2003

photo's: RB

Deutschland muß leben!
wenn wir sterben müssen
Germany must live!
when we will have to die
Kampfgemeinschaft erfordert Kameradschaft. 
Sie bewährt sich besonders in Not und Gefahr
6th of the duties for German soldiers: Kodex 'Die Pflichten des deutschen Soldaten'.Battle moral requires comradeship. Especially in distress and danger.
 "Die Treue ist das Mark der Ehre"
same as above, now spelled correctly! by von Hindenburg

Inside the VARA battery, N - the text to the left is the same as in the R-633 Breskens, NL.

photo's: HH

Wir sind vergänglich

aber Deutschland muss leben

We are mortal but Germany must live

"Gefangen sein, bringt harte Pein

drum ficht, bis Dir das Auge bricht"

Being a prisoner is full of sorrow, therefore fight until death

Die Treue ist das 
Mark der Ehre
again the same text as above

Inside a bunker on the AW somewhere in France

photo: RdB

Die Treue ist das Mark der Ehre

Inside a bunker, Batt Fevretot, Normandie, F

photo: TO

Wir fahren

gegen England

we fight England, just like in the famous song! The insignia in the background is that of the mechanics of the Kriegsmarine.
Inside one of the bunkers belonging to the Bt. Mirus, Guernsey, C.I., GB

left photo: RdB, UPDATE right SP

Wir kämpfen bis zur

this quotation comes from von Paulus, the German commander during the encirclement of Stalingrad.

letzten Granate, es lebe
der Führer!


Inside the Paulus bunker, Brittany, F

photo's: DP




The title of a populair song, see slogans unofficial page

above: we will fight till the last grenade, long live the Führer!

left: same bunker, home sweet home, with a sitting guy seeing a woman's figure in the stars back home!

german assault badge

infantry assault badge

Wenn ich nun zweifle, schau ich auf dein Bild,

Dein Auge sagt mir,was allein uns gilt.

Deutsch sein, heißt Charakter haben

Whenever I am in doubt I look at your picture. Your looks show me what is awaiting us. Being German is having character!
Both pictures taken in a groupbunker, Brittany, F,  
photo's above: DP  


ein von Drahtverhau zerkratzter, Panzer zerhackender,
mit Dreck,Lehm und Sumpf bepatzter, Bunker knackender,
mit geballten Ladungen schmeißerder, Minen suchender,
auf die feindliche Abwehr schei (...ßender) saumäßig fluchender

- Frontsoldat

update: Some more details of this unique bunker, 05-2008

Not real 'BunkerArt', but too unique not to show. This time an almost faded slogan in Dutch on the outsite of a hospital barrack on the former 'Fliegerhorst Deelen' near Arnhem, NL, 12-2001. The hospital is still in business today with the red cross on a sign outside!

the text was widely used, to the left a leaflet with the same slogan

a faded memento! a faded memento

V = victory, used by Allied and Axis powers.

Germany wins for Europe on all fronts


. . . .





an other example

On a school used by the German Kriegsmarine during the war in Rotterdam, Nl

'Soldat sein heisst treu sein'

'Kampfgemeinschaft fordert Kameradschaft'

Being a soldier means being faithful - Battle moral promotes comradeship!
Inside the command bunker 'Leitstand' of 'Marineküstenbatterie Lothringen' 4*15 cm. Noirmont Point, Jersey, GB, 05-1997