The architecture of war: BunkerArt also implies trying to 'capture the lonely and frightening beauty of bunkers', or a closer look at the architecture of war.

Still on guard, the 'lonely and frightening beauty'...quote by Paul Virilio:
Corsica, F
Stp. Batterie and Wolfsberg, 689/8, F.
The channel near Equihenplage and the bridge near St. Nazaire in the back-ground, F
One of my favourite Atlantikwall sites. The 'frightening' beauty of Kerbon, F
Great Tobruk, Port-Vendres, AA turm Merville, F
The complexity of lines and angles:
 Hoek van Holland, NL
Katwijk, NL and La Tamasiere, F
Ostwall, PL. Nice solution for a corner on the left and tracks fading into the darkness...
An unfinished staircase on the left and a massive construction on the right
Lines around the embrasure: 
Ostwall PL left and Lelandreau, F
Av35 left (photo JFL) and Kermorvan, F
Some more funny lines:
Pink Panther on the left, 'limit of supervised bathing', supervised by the bunker in the back ground? Noirmoutier and Ondres plage, F
A Tommy hanging all his laundry on the Siegfriedline?
We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line. Have you any dirty washing, mother dear? We're gonna hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line 'cause the washing day is here. Click here to listen!
To the right a unique bunker, or is it a castle?
to end this page with: BunkerArt... bags of cement as hard as a rock and modern grafitti (right photo LvdW)