Bp 228, Führer der Schnellboote:
V-149: Befehlsstand für den Führer der Schnellboote.
Commandpost for the commander of the MTB's, a unique bunker. Only two were even build, one in Den Haag and one in Utrecht, NL.
 the number 8605  ...through the corridor ... widened opening with extra support, Click here for a picture of the V-149 in Utrecht
20 20 16 60
wireless room  antenna room very well kept 48P8 naval lieutenant
22 52 62 15
ventilation room telegraph room workroom charger room
39 39 58 58 58
officers  latrines with ventilation

R-645: Stand für 1 Küche, Kitchen bunker.

30 30
 the entrance  the number 8708  kitchen with an extra entrance?
 kitchen leftovers...  details
3 3 29 right 29 left 29 left
 crew  store room

R-675: Kleinunterstand für Wasserversorgung, small watersupply bunker.

so the literature is wrong: it's not 8709  
 the number 8605A  the water tanks, ready to be used!
 emergency exit  some details and the text 'TRINKWASSER'