Specials - U-boot bunkers
6 th7 thSt.Nazaire, F.

Home-base for the 6th U-boat flotilla (January-June 1941) and the 7th (February 1942 until the end of the war).
The complete interior, including all authentic BunkerArt details, of the U-boat bunker was demolished in the late nineties. In spite of protest from local bunker archaeologists all materials were taken out very roughly and could not be salvaged and used in other bunker projects. Unique BunkerArt and irreplaceable other materials were lost for ever...and all for the sake of mass tourism. What a shame!

Thanks to DP a lot of the original details were photographed before total destruction...and can only be seen today on this web-site. A look into a recently vanished world...you can almost smell the atmosphere  ... pictures taken 1995/96.

Great fresco of two U-boat men on the look-out, barracks 2 ground floor. In honour of the U-48 which was the most successful U-boat in the war: 12 patrols; 51 ships with 306,875 tons sunk.

There is a story to be told about this U-boot. The picture to the right indicates that the U-boat involved was the U-48 and the time October 1942. The funny thing is that she served in the 7th flotilla until June 1941. In October 1942 she was a part of the 21st flotilla based in Pillau (East-Prussia) and in use as a school boat. This boat did not suffer any casualties (unlike many other's ...) until the time of her loss. She was scuttled on 3 May, 1945 off Neustadt, Germany.

This great fresco seems to be saved, at the moment it's hidden awaiting a final judgment by historians!
barracks 2, 1st floor: Schiffbau, sanitary rooms and kitchen
stnazairewckazerneverdieping3.jpg (17165 bytes)
same barracks, store rooms and the toilets...zu den Toiletten
nur für Beamten... barracks 1, ground floor, a fresco These tanks were build by 'Le Chais Nazairien' society in the '50 leasing the pens 13 and 14 and dealing with gross sales of wine.... (thanks Walter!) the ceiling...does not it look great?

barracks 1, 2 nd floor, a slogan

... zuerst nach Deinem Recht

...nach Deiner Pflicht    adolf hitler

box 9 A

20.20 (what did this mean?)

box 7, 2 nd floor
Je größer die
desto Sicherer das



vor hämmer

800gr 500gr  
linke Seite
all dock 6, 1 st floor
Zentrale I

dieser seite muss

frei ...

all dock 6, 1 st floor: the electrical installation. There seems to be a back-up system present, System 1 and System 2 Kriegmarinewerft St. Nazaire sign

what could have been a unique bunker- and U-boat museum...

The room for the M-19

stnazairesperrfeuer.jpg (32115 bytes)



The air filters

Tragf. 1000 kg


Some pictures from other sources:

Mitte Turm


the exact spot for the middle of the turret is indicated on the wall

Torpedo 6. U.-Fl.

Torpedo's 6th U-boat flotilla

photo's taken 08-2001

   the great numbers are still perfectly visible!


photo's: JF


And a small text: Kuddel. This is a nick-name given to U-boats and carved into the cement. Below some more examples.


photo's: W

 stnazairenumbering1compressed.jpg (25887 bytes)

227 H16 1943

227 H16 in an Heer observatory
227 L10 1942
227 L10 in a Luftwaffe FLAK bunker

Diese Seite gilt als Laufgang

darf nicht mit Gegenständen

o.Gerüsthölzern belegt werden

this side is a walking path, keep clear from objects

 the number of one of the U-boat pens photo's: LvdW
 stnazairenumber10.jpg (28232 bytes)

Bordeaux, F.

Home-base for the 12th U-boat flotilla (October 1942 - August 1944).

12 th, logo: U-boat.net

Thanks to JFL who made these great pictures:

Kein Wasser nützen
Auf dieser Seite
nichts abstellen

 photo: LvdW

Not real BunkerArt, but these pictures show us a great atmosphere. They were all taken inside the pens that are closed to the public.


Hier nichts hinstellen




 photo's: LvdW

penn nr. 7: the types of U-boats indicated on the wooden beams?

and some 'Panzerplatte'

2 th, logo: U-boat.net

Lorient, F.

Home-base for the 2th U-boat flotilla (until August 1944) and the 10th  U-boat flotilla.

10 th, logo: U-boat.net
Durchgang verboten
no entry

text found on the outside of one of the pens

Special thanks to PM for the next great pictures 01-2006, Keroman 3:
Wenn unsere Spritze

Not even mouse can look out of his hiding place when we fire!

Feuer spuckt
kein Mäuschen aus dem Locke guckt

Mark the firm soldiers!

Jederzeit Feuerbereit
always ready to fire

original, see fake slogan in the bunker on Utah beach

the field of fire inside a MG bunker

Stabsquartier des B.d.U. Kernevel: inside Dönitz villa 'Kerillon':

an original side-table still present in Dönitz sitting room, originally there were three of these tables with U-boat insigna. In fact this is a kind of 'death trap', all U-boats were sunk...


U-507, adopted Bonzo, a popular cartoon dog. Jan 13, 1943 she was sunk by depth charges from a US Catalina flying boat. All 54 men incl. the cap. Schacht were lost.

U-156. adopted the city shield of Plauen. March 8, 1943 she was sunk by depth charges from a US Catalina flying boat. All 53 men incl. the cap. Hartenstein were lost.

U-63. Sunk Febr 25, 1940 by depth charges from British destroyers. 1 dead, 24 survivors, cap. was Günther Lorenz.

U-64. Sunk April 13, 1940 by a bomb from a Swordfish aircraft 8 dead, 38 survivors, cap. was Georg-Wilhelm Schultz.

U-67. Sunk July 16, 1943 by depth charges from a US Avenger aircraft. 48 dead, 3 survivors, cap. was Günther Müller-Stockheim.

U-68. Sunk April 10 1944 by depth charges and rockets from a US Avenger aircraft. 56 dead, 1 survivor, cap. was Albert Lauzemis.

U-108. Sunk April 11, 1944 by bombs. cap. Matthias Brünig.

Tarn-Innenanstr.: Fa. Wilh. Knop Utd.

Art der Entrg.: Sandstrahl

Deckanstrich : Standofix BS

Wandfarbe : Betonfarbe

Lieferfirma : Dr. Kurt Herberts

Zeit der Ausfg.: Mai 1941

construction data, found in one of the bunkers

Inside the H.Q. bunker: the large glass plates showed the position of all the German U-boats and their prey...


once written by a German worker, found in Dönitz H.Q. bunker after removing the woodwork,

La Rochelle, La Pallice, F, llocation for the ending scene of the famous movie Das Boot.

Home-base for the 3rd U-boat flotilla (October 1941 - September 1944)

logo: u boat.net

Thanks to AC for these great pictures:

Das Berühren der
ist verboten
Wer unbefugt elektrische Schaltungen betätigt
wird wegen Sabotage bestraft!
Unbefugten Verboten!
Interdit! sans autorisation.
Techn. Stab
U. Leitstelle
the black cat: symbol of the engineer's staff
Alles für den Führer!
Alles für Großdeutschlands sieg!
soldier, worker and farmer!
Mögen die Zeiten hart werden,
Deutschen werden härter sein!

mural used to fine tune the periscopes of the U-boats


Helft sparen!
Schrauben und Schrott in
der Werkstatt abgeben
Lappen nur Schmutzabfälle
in diesen nur in diesen
Kübel Kübel
already the garbage had to be seperated!

which sign is this?


a U-boat fired a torpedo into a ship, survivors are in life-boats

On June 17, 1940 the French steam passenger ship Champlain struck a German laid mine off La Pallice. She was finished June 21 by the U-65 klilling 11 or 12 people

Marseille, UBB Martha, F

Home-base for the 29th U-boat flotilla which was officially based in Toulon  (August 1943 - September 1944)

29th, logo U-boat.net

Great murals, thanks to PC:

On the Südwall forum you can find some speculation about the exact locations. Who can say for sure?